I was excited when we were given the opportunity to review one of the dolls. We were able to review Ainsley. Ainsley is the girl on the drums. I was impressed when our doll arrived in the mail. I was surprised on how big Ainsley was. I imagined them to be smaller than they are. This doll is perfect sized for my daughter. When she saw Ainsley my daughter was super excited and wanted to play with her right away. When it comes to dolls I want to make sure they are decent quality and durable. I am one of those moms that worry that a piece will break off and either hurt my daughter or it may get swallowed. Ainsley is a durable top notch doll for your child. I also like how Ainsley is dress modest also.
Overall I am impressed with the quality and the message that the Beatrix Girls sends. These girls are following their dreams and encouraging girls to follow their dreams. I also like how these dolls are spunky and different from the other dolls that you find at the stores. This would be a great Christmas gift for you little girl.
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